Friday, September 28, 2007

Hamster update

Our pet hamster, named "Hammy" appears to have mended his ways. No incidents of biting, no more escapes. Lori and the girls have been working on taming Hammy, waiting until he's awake before picking him up, adding fresh food to his diet. He gets out and about in his exercise ball, too.

Actually, I think Hammy is doing pretty well, given how many times he's moved thus far.


Yep. He's moved 3 times. Not location-wise, but cage-wise. He went from a starter cage to a larger cage, and to his now 3 level cage.

Pretty sweet for a hamster. Check out the image. Same cage style.

One thing that's got us a little concerned is that Hammy doesn't always use the climbing tubes between the upper levels. He just jumps from the middle and sometimes top levels inside the cage to the floor.

Lori thinks "he's going to hurt himself". He may.

The exercise wheel isn't as quiet as I thought it was going to be. We can put a man on the moon but the wheel still makes noise.

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