Sunday, September 2, 2007

Patter of little feet

This past Friday I received a plaintive call from my 5yo daughter, breathlessly asking if we could go to the pet store and look at hamsters.

So we did, and $60 later we brought home a male hamster.

The first cage we purchased ended up being mis-used by the hamster. The exercise wheel is up on a rotating 2nd level and he ended up using it as a sleeping nest, spraying seeds and hamster urine over the area.

Second cage is working out better.

First day in the house, the girls were loving the hamster a bit too much and he sunk his teeth into our oldest daughter's index finger. Drew blood and everything. She hates seeing her own blood so it was bedlam for a few minutes.

Second night in the house the 5yo (instigator of the hamster) didn't close the cage door well enough and we had a situation that my wife feared most: a hamster jailbreak.

We started around the cage and eventually found him in the kid's playroom - 15 fear-filled (for my wife) minutes all told.

And today, Sunday, the hamster took a nip at the 5yo.

So far:

Hamster: 2 nips, 1 escape
Humans: 0

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